H.E Chief Olusegun Obasanjo

( Former President of The Federal Republic of Nigeria )

    Advocacy Contest Application

    Please provide your information below indicating your desire to enter the 2019 Sickle Cell Advocacy Contest.

    I Am Contesting As An*

    First Name: *

    Last Name: *

    Email: *

    Phone: *

    please add (+ country code)

    Twitter Handle

    Instagram Page

    Address: *

    City *


    Zip/Postal Code

    Country *

    Did you work with a team?*

    Select the checkbox below if you worked with a team to carry out the advocacy initiative or activity.

    Team Size*

    Organization/Institution Name*

    Address: *

    [text [org-address-line2 placeholder "Address Line 2"]

    City *


    Zip/Postal Code

    Country *

    Twitter Handle

    Instagram Page

    Organization Contact Person

    First Name: *

    Last Name: *

    Email: *

    Phone: *

    please add (+ country code)

    Initiative/Activity Title: *

    Initiative/Activity Theme (If Any)

    Sickle Cell Issue Addressed: *

    Indicate Sickle Cell Issue Addressed Below *

    Summary/Description *

    Briefly describe the advocacy initiative or activity

    Main messages or Recommendations*

    Outline the main messages and/or recommendations conveyed by the advocacy initiative or activity

    Results Achieved *

    What results were achieved through the advocacy initiative or activity?

    Impact of the Initiative/Activity *

    What is the actual or expected impact of the advocacy initiative or activity?

    My Activity/Initiative Has A *

    Twitter Handle

    Enter twitter handle

    Twitter Hashtag

    Enter hashtag used on twitter

    Instagram Page

    Enter link to instagram page

    Facebook Page

    Enter link to facebook page


    Enter url to website or webpage

    Photo Uploads / Video Link

    Upload your selected photos and/or supply a link to a video coverage about your advocacy/initiative

    Upload Photos

    Size limit: 5mb, Formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif

    Link to Video

    Enter url to your advocacy video hosted on either your website, youtube or other video platforms

    By submitting this application, you agree to attend the congress event and consent to the display and usage of your submitted materials for the necessary activities to facilitate the success of this contest.

    [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]

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    Enter email below to stay updated with the latest info on the conference.

    African Congress on Sickle Cell Disease