Prof. Jean-Marie Dangou
Coordinator of NCD Primary Preventi on (NPP), NCD Integrated Management, WHO Africa
Jean-Marie Dangou has an international reputation for his work in Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and cancer in particular. He became the Regional Advisor for Cancer Prevention and Control at the WHO Regional Office for Africa in July 2007, and later on the Team Lead for the NCDs Integrated Management programme and, Coordinator of the NCDs Primary Prevention Programme Area. Jean-Marie worked as WHO Representative in Zambia, in Guinea and in The Gambia.
Before joining WHO, Professor Dangou held various positions on the academia and the Ministry of health of Senegal. Jean-Marie developed and implemented at the Ministry of Health of Senegal a national cancer control programme.
For more than 20 years, Professor Dangou was the Head of the Pathology department at Grand-Yoff General Teaching Hospital in Dakar (Senegal) and at the Dakar Pasteur Institute. Jean-Marie teaches Health Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine of C. Anta Diop University of Dakar, and he participated in research activities. He is member for several medical societies and he has been Vice-President for Africa at the International Academy of Pathology (IAP) and President of the African French Speaking Division of the IAP.
He has membership of editorial board for medical journals, and published at least 90 articles on different topics including cancer and for more than 80% of them in peer-reviewed journals.
Jean-Marie is a Medical Doctor, specialized in Histopathology, Cytology and Cytogenetic and, in Epidemiology. He received his training at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium), at the University of Bordeaux II (France) and, at the University C. Anta Diop of Dakar (Senegal).
Among other, Jean-Marie undertook professional training and continuing education in different domains such as Cancer diagnosis, Cancer epidemiology and surveillance, Ultra structural pathology, Cytogenetic and antenatal diagnosis, Pedagogy including e-learning, Research methodology, Epidemiology, Communications, Global Health Diplomacy, Leadership and Management.